Saturday, March 1, 2025

Sinful Sunday - Toys


I love my tactile, heavy, polished stainless steel cock ring.  It feels SO good!! The weight on my cock and balls creates such a beautiful ache and I love how it pushes everything forward, creating an envy inducing bulge.  I’ve worn it in some pretty risky situations for that extra wicked kick.  It’s hands down my favourite toy (no pun intended).

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Sinful Sunday - Homage To A Great


Here's my homage to one of my favourite photographers, Francesca Woodman (1958-1991). Her images are so powerful, so I thought I'd recreate my own version of her beautiful piece called "Horizontale" below.

    Horizontale by Francesca Woodman

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Sinful Sunday - S is for Sex Toy


I feel that sex toys for men carry a little more stigma than those for women.  That said, this one is a belter and well worth the cash.

Saturday, January 7, 2023

When I Am Dead, Will You Finally Shut The Fuck Up? by Hollie McNish

when i was a teenage girl
the newspapers printed
stories about the monsters
they called paedophiles

when i was a teenage girl
a special assembly was called
which told us all to watch out
for a man flashing his penis
in the park near the school
we all thought it was funny
looked out for the long coat
pointed with our friends

when i was a teenage girl
one newspaper printed
a list of home addresses
of the people they called
paedophiles’, vigilante
justice and one count
of linguistic ignorance
graffiti-ing the walls of
a paediatrician’s home

when i was a teenage girl
i bought the top ten record
by another teenage girl
dancing in school uniform
called hit me baby one more time
please hit me baby one more time
please hit me baby one more time

when I was a teenage girl
my friend was called a slut
for owning three vibrators

when i was a teenage girl
the front cover of this album
had britney spears in pigtails
looking at the camera
as little angel as could be

when i was a teenage girl
my friend told everyone
he fingered me in the garden
at a house party when really
he was crying about a
problem in his family
he apologised to me at school
I agreed not to tell the truth
we stayed close friends

when I was a teenage girl
I opened the cd in my bedroom
there was a poster folded up inside
to put up on my wall
it had Britney dressed in
a perfect white vest top
sat astride a chair
legs parted for the camera
camera zoomed onto her crotch

when i was a teenage girl
i was told not to use a tampon
when I was bleeding playing sport
because that would be like
losing my virginity to a tampon
before I’d had a dick in me
when i was a teenage girl
i was told not to put a dick in me

when i was a teenage girl
i was told that the only sex
real sex was a dick in me
when i was a teenage girl
i was told how great a dick
in me would be

when I was a teenage girl
two teenage girls in a
Russian pop video
snogged each other
in school uniform
looking sexy at the camera
all the things you said
all the things you said
running through my head
running through my head

when i was a teenage girl
i was told off for wearing
a skirt too short at school
i rolled it down each lesson
and rolled it up each break

when i was a teenage girl
i was told not to take the short cut
I was told not to walk alone
i was told not to stay out late
i was told not to masturbate
i was told not to get pregnant
I was told not to get fingered
i was told not to be too sexy
i was told to be really sexy
i was told not to have sex
i was told to sing hit me baby
one more time in uniform like hers
i was told all the things you said
running through my head
running through my head

when i was in my twenties
i had a baby
i breastfed in the toilets
for fear of looking
like i was sort of trying
to look sexy
i’m still not sure
exactly why i was
embarrassed to feed my baby

when i was thirty
i was recommended botox
before i went on holiday
to look sexier on holiday

when i was thirty five
i was told not to wear a vest top
because women my age don’t show
our arms now for fear of bats
landing on the skin below
and letting all the world know
our arms are not sexy now

when i was fifty
i was told my sex drive would
go down with my bleeding
but no-one talks about the menopause

when i was sixty
i was told

when i was seventy
i was told

when i was eighty
i was told

I am hoping this will stop

but my grandma is ninety-two
and she is on a diet because
in our family, as I’ve been told
my entire life long
the women in our family
have bad stomachs

hold it in, hollie
hold it in, hollie

when i am dead
i am hoping
i can stretch out
in my coffin

wearing what
the fuck I want

This Explains A Lot!


I used to watch Dianna Rigg, playing the delightful Emma Peel in The Avengers, when I was a kid.  It was a re-run, I'm not that old!  I was always allowed to watch it when I stayed over at my grandma's house and Emma Peel was the only reason I watched the show.  

Seeing her here in her trademark PVC catsuit, not to mention the fact that she is beautifully bound (with an outstandingly hot crotch rope), explains quite a lot about why I favour this look, in my adult life.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

The Imperfect Enjoyment by John Wilmot Earl of Rochester

Naked she lay, clasped in my longing arms, 
I filled with love, and she all over charms; 
Both equally inspired with eager fire, 
Melting through kindness, flaming in desire. 
With arms, legs, lips close clinging to embrace, 
She clips me to her breast, and sucks me to her face. 
Her nimble tongue, love’s lesser lightning, played 
Within my mouth, and to my thoughts conveyed 
Swift orders that I should prepare to throw 
The all-dissolving thunderbolt below. 
My fluttering soul, sprung with the pointed kiss, 
Hangs hovering o’er her balmy brinks of bliss. 
But whilst her busy hand would guide that part 
Which should convey my soul up to her heart, 
In liquid raptures I dissolve all o’er, 
Melt into sperm, and spend at every pore. 
A touch from any part of her had done ’t: 
Her hand, her foot, her very look's a cunt.
Smiling, she chides in a kind murmuring noise, 
And from her body wipes the clammy joys, 
When, with a thousand kisses wandering o’er 
My panting bosom, “Is there then no more?” 
She cries. “All this to love and rapture’s due; 
Must we not pay a debt to pleasure too?” 
But I, the most forlorn, lost man alive, 
To show my wished obedience vainly strive: 
I sigh, alas! and kiss, but cannot swive. 
Eager desires confound my first intent, 
Succeeding shame does more success prevent, 
And rage at last confirms me impotent. 
Ev’n her fair hand, which might bid heat return 
To frozen age, and make cold hermits burn, 
Applied to my dear cinder, warms no more 
Than fire to ashes could past flames restore. 
Trembling, confused, despairing, limber, dry, 
A wishing, weak, unmoving lump I lie. 
This dart of love, whose piercing point, oft tried, 
With virgin blood ten thousand maids has dyed, 
Which nature still directed with such art 
That it through every cunt reached every heart— 
Stiffly resolved, ’twould carelessly invade 
Woman or man, nor ought its fury stayed: 
Where’er it pierced, a cunt it found or made— 
Now languid lies in this unhappy hour, 
Shrunk up and sapless like a withered flower. 
Thou treacherous, base deserter of my flame, 
False to my passion, fatal to my fame, 
Through what mistaken magic dost thou prove 
So true to lewdness, so untrue to love? 
What oyster-cinder-beggar-common whore 
Didst thou e’er fail in all thy life before? 
When vice, disease, and scandal lead the way, 
With what officious haste doest thou obey! 
Like a rude, roaring hector in the streets 
Who scuffles, cuffs, and justles all he meets, 
But if his king or country claim his aid, 
The rakehell villain shrinks and hides his head; 
Ev’n so thy brutal valor is displayed, 
Breaks every stew, does each small whore invade, 
But when great Love the onset does command, 
Base recreant to thy prince, thou dar’st not stand. 
Worst part of me, and henceforth hated most, 
Through all the town a common fucking post, 
On whom each whore relieves her tingling cunt 
As hogs on gates do rub themselves and grunt, 
Mayst thou to ravenous chancres be a prey, 
Or in consuming weepings waste away; 
May strangury and stone thy days attend; 
May’st thou never piss, who didst refuse to spend 
When all my joys did on false thee depend. 
And may ten thousand abler pricks agree 
To do the wronged Corinna right for thee.